Have you ever wanted your own web address (aka a domain name, a URL, website, etc.) for yourself or possibly your own business? Obtaining a web address extension is actually quite a simple process and can take as little as ten minutes of your time. The cost to own a web address can be as little as $10 per year. The process of securing your own web address is commonly referred to as registering a domain name. There are several domain registrars out there that are more than suitable for registering your domain name, and prices from those registrars will range anywhere from $10 to $35 per year. Depending on the type of web address extension you are seeking. When you find the right domain registrar for you, there will typically be instructions on how to proceed. The first step is to input the web address you want into the search box and see if it’s available; please don’t get frustrated if it is already taken as many good domains are. If you do not see the.COM version of the domain you are looking for, you have two options: register a different web address extension. NET, ORG, INFO, WS, etc., or you can choose a different spelling of your desired domain. For example, if you search for “MyDomain.com,” which is taken, you can search for other versions like My-Domain.com, YourDomain.com, or DomainOfMine.com, etc.

Web Address Extension
There are several different types of web address extensions available for registration, and they range from.COM, too. VG. The most common web address extension is the.COM, which far outnumbers nearly all other extensions combined. Most individuals looking for a new domain name prefer to register the.COM extension because it is the first extension people tend to associate with a domain. However, COM is not your only option when shopping for a web address. There are numerous other extensions available for nearly anyone to register. Some other popular web address extensions include .NET,ORG,INFO, .NET, .US and.BIZ. There are also country domain names designated for specific countries—the US for the United States, the UK for the United Kingdom, JP for Japan and.CN for China, to name a few.
Web Address Availability
When you start searching for your ideal web address, you will run into a situation where nearly every good domain seems to be taken. This is especially the case for.COM domains, which make up more than all other domains combined. Ideally, you will always want the.COM version of your domain name, but you may end up settling for a .NET or .ORG. One important thing to keep in mind when searching for your domain is that there are over 30,000.COM domains released every day. These released domain names were previously registered by another owner who no longer wanted or needed them. This is your opportunity to get a really great domain every day.